I used to believe that hard work coupled with faith in God ensured success. Therefore throughout my life, I have strived to give each task appointed to me my undivided attention. I worked hard. I prayed hard.
But I didn’t listen hard enough.
I suppose that I never really understood, until recently, that my hard work is not really what makes the difference between success and failure; between joy and despair.
God is the difference.
God desires that we integrate Him into our lives in such a way that we are wholly dependent upon Him. But, dependence is not a sniveling, whimpering reliance. The type of dependence that God requires is active dependence. God desires simply that His people, made in His image, seek Him for guidance on all things. And then, he asks that we OBEY.
God demands that we come to Him for everything: from the mundane to the ludicrous to the impossible. We can ask Him for instructions, explanations, healing. Specifically we can ask anything: Why we are being chastised. How to process betrayal. How to deal with a break up. What to say to a disgruntled youth. How to initiate healing. How to be more disciplined in our food choices. Where to look to find a good counselor. How to handle credit card debt. How to tap into the Holy Spirit. What bank is the best one for refinancing a mortgage. Where to find a contractor for a kitchen repair. How to stretch a weekly budget. How to deal with a overbearing boss…..
Notice however, that even when we go to God for help, God expects us to do our part. For example, if you are seeking to refinance your home. God will work through you. He may soften the heart of the bank rep. But you will still have to pay off your credit card debt.
We must realize it is not our efforts that solve our problems. Rather it is God’s Power coupled with our union with Him that works a miracle.
When we encounter an obstacle of any size, God wants us to go to him first. Ask for help knowing that He will do it for His people. And then wait in Joy for his signal.
Once He gives the signal or direction, He wants us to GO! Run toward the goal using all of our talents, intellect, physical strength, endurance and spiritual gifts!
It is a rather delicate balance: our efforts and God’s supernatural power.
Consider this example:
We are like a woman sitting in a row boat in the middle of an ocean. God has commanded her to row against the current. So she is paddling like crazy to make progress. The fact that she is acting in God’s will as commanded, is significant. God rewards her act of obedience and faith by promising to take care of her. God will provide what she needs for her journey. He will send food, and shade. He will send fresh water and even a companion. He will also provide a time for her to rest. If she disobeys GOD and paddles every day all day…she will become too tired and worn out to be effective.
We must live our lives with GOD. God is the only one with the bird’s eye view. He alone knows when we must paddle or when we may ely on the current.
Surely it is better to get to know the navigator than to paddle in vain.
Seek to cultivate a relationship with God in the same way you cultivate a relationship with your significant other. Spend quiet time with God, reading about Him: his favorite things, his unique attributes. Develop intimacy with God by sharing your secrets, your desires, your mistakes with Him. Ask for forgiveness when you make a mistake and violate his precepts. Celebrate your victories with God. Acknowledge God for all that He has done to help you.
The more time we spend with God, the stronger our relationship with Him will become. In time, God will reward our diligence by amplifying the still small voice that lives within each of us. Soon we will become receptive to God’s will. We will be able to listen and understand the guidance that God has been trying to tell us all along.
God’s plans for our lives unfold like the seasons.
There is a time for everything: a time to rest, a time to paddle, a time to celebrate, a time to mourn.
There is a time for everything: a time to rest, a time to paddle, a time to celebrate, a time to mourn.
Oh, if only we would get in sync with God. Then, we would discover real peace, real joy, real balance.
28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
I am striving daily for this peace. But, it only comes when I cultivate a daily relationship with God.
I promise, darling
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