The pursuit of HAPPINESS on earth is not an easy journey. The pursuit of a Gucci handbag under $300 is not an easy journey either. But, it's doable especially if you are a Bag Borrow and Steal member and can rent any designer handbag like a Netflix movie. Our help for this spiritual journey comes from the Lord. God promises us that if we diligently seek after HIM, He will guide us through this life and into the next. WOW! ACTIVELY SEEKING GUIDANCE is crucial. Remember, we are born again. We are now living a new life in God. We can not help ourselves. Our friends who are non believers can not help us. 1 Corinthians 13:12 says For now we see through a glass, darkly.
This earthly world is crystal clear. We see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, touch it. This heavenly world on earth is veiled. Our five senses are not sufficient. We can't understand God's world using this world's reasoning and rationalizations. An easy way for me to visualize this is to think of "rose colored glasses." When I don these cheaters, I am able to see life here on earth through a Godly prism.
How can you see the world through rose colored glasses? You must actively seek guidance from GOD!
Chip, a minister with Living on the Edge Ministries explains in detail how to pursue GOD in our new Lives.
Step 1: Get an Alarm Clock
Get up every day and commune with GOD. Every day! (Whew...this is hard and will require you to change your behaviors the night before...to enable you to perfect it! But, remember, we are not alone...ask God to help you make this commitment and it will be done.)
This is so important. Even Jesus the Christ sought direction from God every day! Jesus-rose up a great while before the day- went out and departed into a solitary place to pray. Mark 1:35
What was he praying about? He had to make a very important decision. He was at a crossroads with His ministry. He was at the end of his first year of preaching and it had borne little results even though His miracles were drawing huge crowds. The question he wrestled with, "Should He continue to put the emphasis of His ministry on the preaching of the gospel or performing miracles?" Our answer without divine wisdom and guidance might be to continue performing miracles. Everyone wants and needs a physical healing. God, the Father directed Jesus to put His emphasis on PREACHING and TEACHING. The lesson here is, we can not make good Godly decisions without God! It simply is not possible.
We must first be disciplined enough to seek GOD daily. We will be rewarded with wisdom that supercedes the ways of this world on earth. God's wisdom will enable us to glide through this world with a JOYFUL and HAPPY heart.
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