Lawyers are an interesting group of people. And by interesting, I mean they have an interesting way of viewing requirements, rules, laws and edicts.
Typically, (most if not all) lawyers view laws as challenges. They read a rule and immediately begin to contemplate ways to circumvent the rule without really breaking the rule. I am a lawyer, therefore I feel uniquely qualified to make this sweeping statement. (smile)
I used to try this approach when confronted with God’s laws. Sometimes if I thought the rule was a bit too hard to follow, I would begin to justify a softer approach.
Every time I did this, however, my disobedience caused serious problems. When any of God’s children disobey Him, we cause the Spirit of God that lives within us to shrink in power. When we lose our Holy Ghost Power, we no longer have access to the 7 gifts of the Spirit: (1) discernment; (2) capacity to perform even when the body is tired, sick and resistant; (3), judgement - craving & pursuing only the things that are good for us; (4) reception - an ability to hear the voice of Truth and respond accordingly (5) ability to love even when hurt, angry, abused; (6) telepathy - an ability to communicate spirit to spirit; and (7) intuition - abillity to hear God's still small internal voice and to respond accordingly. Without access to the Spirit it is more difficult to successfully navigate through Life on this side.
Jeremiah 42:6
Whether we like it or not, we will obey the LORD our God to whom we are sending you with our plea. For if we obey him, everything will turn out well for us.”
This week, as I journaled, I learned about another aspect of obedience. As children of God, we are not only admonished to obey God’s commandments, but we must also be obedient to God’s promises!
This means that when God promises to deliver you from a bad situation, you must likewise be obedient to the promise by responding to the promise in faith. You should not laugh at the promise because it seems so outlandish. You must not take matters into your own hands to bring the promise to fruition. You must not wallow in depression as you wait for the promise to be fulfilled. Instead, you must rejoice in the promise of God and whistle as you prepare for the promise to occur.
Obedience to God requires that you not only follow the law as written but to also believe (and act like you believe in real time) ALL the promises of God.
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