Sunday, May 29, 2016


When I was a child I could not wait to go to sleep. As soon as the lights went out I would begin weaving intricate tales of all kinds. Typically, the dream would start with me taking a long trip. Sometimes, I'd travel via the Orient Express through remote parts of India or I would ride a split level barge down the Nile River in Egypt. Very often, I would live in a rambling bungalow nestled at the top of a few towering trees. Or, I’d reside in an igloo with opulent fur rugs and secret underground passages carved out of ice. Regardless of where I lived, I was always the oldest daughter of the king and queen. I was the rebellious, beautiful, intelligent Princess with a killer wardrobe and hair like Pam Grier.
I am much older. But my dreams still represent a form of escape from the humdrum monotony of life. Through the past 30 years or so, I have learned the hard way that constantly seeking this world's thrills when confronted with tragedy, disappointment or sadness is NEVER the way. It inevitably leads to errors and mistakes.

God through his son Jesus has shown us that the only thing we should seek with regularity is HIS WAY. 

This is no easy task.

Who would choose to die on a cross if she could help it? (Remember, Jesus chose to die even though he was capable of avoiding this horrible death.  God had a divine Purpose.  And Jesus obeyed.)

39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.  Luke 22:39-44

Who would choose to watch his friends grieve heavily for a deceased brother when you knew you had power to resurrect him? (Notice, Jesus did not come to Lazarus' aid right away even though he knew Lazarus was sick sick unto death. In fact he delayed His trip. But when he arrived, he wept with his friends and raised Lazarus from the dead.  God had a divine Purpose and Jesus obeyed.)

33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 34 “Where have you laid him?” he asked. John 11:33

The point is that if God has commanded us to do something, we MUST do it. We must not seek escape. We must not run away. The up side is that God will reward obedience.

Today, my favorite dream is always the same. I am climbing very steep and rocky terrain. The sky is gray and devoid of sunlight. I am bruised and exhausted. Yet, just when I feel I can not take one more step, suddenly a gift will appear. Once I received an ice cold bottle of Fiji water. Another time a hammock appeared in my favorite color. Or after a dull meal, I would discover, a bowl of juicy peaches that burst like drops of sunshine in my mouth.

Finally after what seems like 100 years I reach the summit. There I am greeted by a large silver gate. I touch it lightly and the gate swings open to reveal the most beautiful green grass I have ever seen. In the middle of the grass is a bubbling fountain that has my name on it.  As I touch the water, my entire body is revived. I am suddenly imbued with the energy of a child. All of my aches and pains from my journey have gone away. In fact, I can no longer even remember the hardships of the past. I am radiant and I can see everything around me with new clarity. I encounter butterflies everywhere and when I each time I spot one, I can immediately recall all the fun facts that I ever learned about these majestic creatures. I remember their scientific name, place of origin, etc. I am now as wise as Solomon.

Thus refreshed, I begin to look for my Friend. I know I will find him sitting under my favorite tree. Sure enough, I see Him there. And we sit and chat under the weeping willow about everything for ever.

Never forget that Jesus is your FRIEND and He is here to help you. 

He is the good shepherd.  The one that will protect HIs sheep come what may.  He serves as our High Priest or intercessory who will listen to our requests and will plead our case before a benevolent GOD.  Jesus, who once lived on this earth knows what we face on a daily basis.  He understands how mean folks around us can be.  He knows how difficult it is to resist temptation.  And, He too faced difficult choices.  Jesus stands as the ultimate example of what happens when you commit yourself to serving, obeying and loving GOD. When you do your part to remain in sync with God, you will receive supernaural Spirit power. Click here to read, "Spirit Life Has Its Privileges."
STOP now and decide to make it a practice to learn more about JESUS. Your efforts will enable you to build a friendship with HIM.  And this friendship will embolden you to not only ask JESUS for help, but to KNOW WITH CERTAINTY that HE can fix every bad situation. 
JESIS is the Son of GOD and HIS power is supernatural.  Trust Him, darlings.